How does child-led play develop the brain?
That Early Childhood Nerd: ECE MAYtriarchy
small groups during play time?
Three common myths about alphabet knowledge
the evolution of writing begins with mark making!
Stories that Stick Podcast: Supporting Literacy Even When it Doesn't Look Anything Like Literacy
The Play Based Learning Podcast with Kristen Peterson
Curriculum Companies?
The Power of Blank Paper and Crayons (part two)
The Power of Blank Paper and Crayons
Alphabet Knowledge Begins with the Child
The Whole Child Alphabet named Top Professional Read by That Early Childhood Nerd
That Early Childhood Nerd Podcast: Visual Perception and Emerging Literacy with Stacy Benge
That Early Childhood Nerd Podcast: The Whole Child Alphabet with Stacy Benge
What do children learn when they guide their own play?
Should we pull children from play for small group instruction?
Pre-Writing is Not a Curriculum
Why does a toddler need to read?
Loose Parts: Simple Materials, Big Outcomes
Follow Stacy for information and reflections regarding early childhood, early learning, child development, parenting, children with learning disabilities, and educational resources, and education overall.